Sunday, July 22, 2018

Pause, Part II

So yeah, there was no way I was gonna get it all finished in a week...

I've been plagued by some game-breaking bugs that took a few days to identify & deal with, and I've been raising issues all over the board recently in hopes that they'll get fixed in time. TIL that simply raising issues on other people's github projects counts as 'contributions' though:

Makes me feel a bit better about blowing all my time on this project! Unfortunately, there's still a couple game-breaking issues that definitely must be fixed before I can publicly release anything, as well as another minor issue which would be much more annoying if I were to release a not-quite-complete-beta version. I'll probably have to start working on contributing some pull requests too at this rate, if I want to see this released any time soon...

Anyway, slowly plodding on with gradual progress. Realistically, as long as no other bugs spring up (I hope I haven't just jinxed it by saying that...), I should be able to get to the end of my todo-list in a couple weeks' time.
Blegh, I hate deadlines anyway.

- Lig

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Press Pause

I've kinda hit the pause button on the ol' Urban Tumbleweed project, as I focus on getting my modpack released (I just want to actually finish something!). I'm pretty rubbish at following things through to completion without giving up halfway, but this time around, the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter and brighter... :)

So, Minecraft version 1.13 - known as the Update Aquatic - is scheduled to be released in a few days' time (on Wednesday, so I guess Thursday for us earlybird NZ'ers). The update itself doesn't overly concern me though, my 'vanilla' server hasn't been online for months- what does affect me, though, is the playerbase's divided focus between 'vanilla' and 'modded' gameplay. For a lot of people, the reason that modded Minecraft is so entertaining is simply because there's more 'stuff'. It's a sandbox game by nature- sure, there's a bit of progression & nowadays a few 'end-game' features too, but the reason it's so popular is because of the sandbox aspect- and Mojang are particularly slow at putting out new content, and content is what it all comes down to. As a result, I feel like a large proportion of the playerbase pays less attention to the modded scene when a new update is released, especially one as massive as 1.13- because the game becomes fresh again, and there's entirely new ways to play (underwater bases will be much more viable, the trident offers both new combat & travel mechanics, not to mention the 'fluid' system has changed fairly significantly...).
On top of all that, I'm aware of at least one or two other modpacks in development that could compete with mine- with focus on polish & providing a helpful & informative gameplay experience for players of any skill level- so I'd really like to stop dragging my feet & get mine out first :P

But I digress, most of you readers probably don't care about any of this, so thanks if you're still reading ^_^' I did want to try to release my modpack before the 1.13 update released, but it's actually arriving sooner than I expected- many people have been expecting it for months now, but personally I thought that the developers still had a whole lot of polish to apply. But hey, deadlines are pretty great for getting things done quickly, right? It's pushed me to make a serious amount of progress over the last week too, and I'm pretty confident that I should be at the point now where I'm happy to put out a public release by the end of the week. I've tied up so many loose ends, and I'm noticing my todo lists gradually diminishing- it really is a great feeling!

If anyone reading actually is interested, here's some sneaky previews- first thing you'll see when you fire it up, my custom main menu:
(It feels a bit more colourful in practice than it looks, honest... I mean, each of the buttons lights up in a different colour when hovered! Amazing, right? :P)

And (aside from recipe changes & the entire custom 'tech-tree',) this is where the bulk of the effort's been spent- the highly-descriptive 'quest book' system, documenting all the stuff that, unless you're already a veteran, you'd normally have to go and research yourself to figure out how it works:

Honestly, I've never really cared whether or not this is 'succesful' in any way, or even if anyone else actually plays it (though, I know from experience that it's way more polished than about 95% of the competition out there)- I'm just finally proud of what I've accomplished, and I feel like that's the most important thing!

Let's see if I can keep my word & finish what I want to finish by the end of the week... watch this space, and see ya next week :)

- Lig

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Come sway away

Took a bit of a break from artwork (& tending to my ancient fruit fields in stardew valley... ^_^'), and decided to do some nice, wholesome maths instead.

The 'ambient' floaters have now got a bit of sway to their style, with a bit of a parabolic motion offsetting their original position, a sprinkling of acceleration & deceleration, and just a pinch of rotation. The end result is pretty close to what I was aiming for, though I feel like it needs a bit of tweaking still- but there's always time for that later!
It equates to a little something like this, though the .gif format really doesn't do this any justice at all:

It's busier than it would normally be, for the purpose of demonstration. These sort of details will hopefully add a bit of activity to the otherwise cold & empty background, without being too distracting or looking out of place- might need to mess with transparencies to achieve that, though.

The hardest part of working on a project without someone else managing you is, after completing a feature, trying to figure out what comes next! Of course I've got an overall idea of how I want the end product to look, but figuring out all the little steps to get from point A to Z can be pretty tricky. For that purpose, I've set up a simple little Trello board to help me keep track of what I'm in the middle of working on, and ideas I'd like to flesh out in future. Considering getting an actual physical agile board, too- it's harder to get sidetracked if your project's always in view!
Let me know in the comments below if you have any tips or suggestions on the matter of self-management :)

- Lig