Sunday, July 22, 2018

Pause, Part II

So yeah, there was no way I was gonna get it all finished in a week...

I've been plagued by some game-breaking bugs that took a few days to identify & deal with, and I've been raising issues all over the board recently in hopes that they'll get fixed in time. TIL that simply raising issues on other people's github projects counts as 'contributions' though:

Makes me feel a bit better about blowing all my time on this project! Unfortunately, there's still a couple game-breaking issues that definitely must be fixed before I can publicly release anything, as well as another minor issue which would be much more annoying if I were to release a not-quite-complete-beta version. I'll probably have to start working on contributing some pull requests too at this rate, if I want to see this released any time soon...

Anyway, slowly plodding on with gradual progress. Realistically, as long as no other bugs spring up (I hope I haven't just jinxed it by saying that...), I should be able to get to the end of my todo-list in a couple weeks' time.
Blegh, I hate deadlines anyway.

- Lig

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