Friday, June 29, 2018

art update

Well hello there, many thanks for sticking around! :P So I've decided to write up a quick blog post to break the radio silence once again. Turns out art really takes a long time to do, especially when you have no idea what you're doing! (Who knew!) And, unlike programming, you can't just google how to do something & copy-paste the answer from stackoverflow...

So I've been trying to work on improving the general aesthetic of the game, and have recently been learning some valuable lessons about scale:

Ugh, I didn't even want to show this until I'd at least replaced all the buildings on the first screen, but then I noticed it's been two weeks since my last blog...

So uhh... yeah, still needs work. Lots of work. I wanted these buildings to look old and/or abandoned, not horrifically ugly & disproportionate. But hey, first attempts and all, and it's good to start replacing some of the art I've nicked with, y'know, actually my own work.
Also, a bit hard to tell from the simple & low-quality gif recording, but I've been making the transition between menu & gameplay much smoother, because why not!

Anyway, kinda embarrassed how little it seems like I've achieved since the last one, just hoping that I'll get better & more efficient with practice!

Monday, June 4, 2018

Maths & Bugs

Trying to find the motivation to do some linear algebra! I added some basic rotational physics, but then noticed I'd forgot to account for edge cases...

After the console logs started filling up with NaN's, I remembered a bit of mathy-knowledge from high school- you can't exactly calculate the slope of a vertical line, that'd be dividing by zero!
(Obviously, right? Egh, who even remembers this stuff anymore. Let's be honest, I just google the formulas & plug in the variables. :P)

Bonus: here's a sneaky peek of my scribble-book, which has now become shamelessly filled with simple graphs & entry-level algebra.

Not sure where my motivation has gone lately, but it seems to be returning now at last. Hopefully I'll be able to get the physics finalised soon & start focusing more on the details.

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