Sunday, May 20, 2018

Title Screen

Development continues slow & steady; plenty of bugfixing, platform issues & other things that don't really result in much to show off, but there's definitely cool stuff in the pipeline.
Thanks to an awesome friend, I've begun replacing some of the graphics, starting with the 'player'- though now I really gotta work on the physics before that bag looks right. Also, I've always felt that there's nothing quite like a main menu to make your tech prototype feel like a game- so I figured it's about time I added a super basic one:

So yeh, we're working with the title 'Urban Tumbleweed', and the game involves using gusts of wind to blow a plastic bag (or other stuff... TBD) around a cityscape, trying to stay aloft as long as possible while avoiding obstacles. Your wind power is limited & can be replenished with powerups that are found around & amongst the buildings, thus requiring the player to dodge & weave a little bit in order to stay in the air.
There's more to the idea than this, but I'm not going to give the rest away just yet ;)

- Lig

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

'Regular' Update

I must confess, I've been slacking a bit recently... I didn't even write anything last week! On a totally unrelated note, Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is a bloody fantastic game. If you're intrigued by the idea of a modern JRPG with exciting combat & a whole kingdom management side to it, I'd definitely recommend checking it out. I didn't even play the first game in the series, and can attest that it's not an issue. (Warning, it's dangerously addictive though...)


In productivity-land, more work has been done on making the game more of a... game.
The 'camera' system's been refactored & reworked so that I can pan it around as the player reaches the edges of the screen... well, that would've been the smart thing to do, but really I'm just shifting the entire world relative to the player to make it look like the 'camera' moved. Yeah. Hey, it all looks the same in the end ;)
There's a whole lot of little things too- a bit more of a start to the levels, more buildings & random endless generation, a score, and other text:

Definitely need to sit down for some solid planning time now, there's a few different routes I could go at this point. It's probably about time to get some proper art done too, to start shifting the style towards what I'm aiming for... we'll see if that goes anywhere soon :P

- Liggledy the Higgledy